
Cedarwood essential oil, also known sometimes as cedar oil, is a truly beneficial and anciently popular health essential. Like many other essential oils, cedarwood oil is extracted via the process of steam distillation of wood and leaves from Cedar trees. Cedar is a conifer from the Pinaceae family, divided into four distinct species growing on separate continents: Atlantic Cedar, located in northern Africa, Cypriot Cedar, Deodara Cedar, one of the few plants living in the Himalayas and the most conserved species, The Lebanese Cedar, located exclusively in the Lebanon Mountains. A majestic tree, called the “tree of light” due to the positive energy it emanates, the cedar contains a special wood, first sought because it purifies the air from bacteria and germs. The walnuts that grow in it make a precious essential oil, recognized for its healing properties.


The oil comes from the Pinaceae or pine family of trees that are known to last very long. The wood from these trees and the oil was used by Ancient Egyptians, Sumerians and many more of the civilizations from the past. To emphasize on the word ancient, Cedar trees have also been mentioned in the Bible. Lebanese cedar, also called the “tree of God”, is considered one of the most fascinating trees in the world. Growing exclusively on the Mount of Lebanon, it is considered a national symbol, as it is even present on the national flag. In fact, the legend says that God Himself would have planted the first cedar in the land near the Mediterranean, with more than one reference of it in the Bible. The cedar is also mentioned in verified hystorical documents and there are writings suggesting that its wood would have been used in antiquity by Phoenicians for shipbuilding. Later, the Egyptians would have used it in the mummification process of the pharaohs, while the Jews would have used it for the construction of majestic buildings, such as the palace of King David.


The essential cedarwood oil is highly sought after for its many curative properties beneficial to the entire body, being in turn an excellent disinfectant, a very good antiseptic, astringent and tonic, also having diuretic properties. By defending the body against toxins, cedarwood oil stimulates the production of white blood cells and the functioning of the immune system. It is also extremely useful in combating rheumatism and can be used in massage sessions both alone and in combination with other precious essential oils such as jasmine, lavender, rosemary or rose. Essential cedarwood oil is also recommended in aromatherapy because of its refreshing, warm and sweet odour, with spicy and woody notes that remind of nature and supports that particular feel of tranquility.

Highly sought after for its many curative properties and beneficial to the entire body, essential cedar oil is known to be an excellent disinfectant, antiseptic, astringent and tonic, also having diuretic properties. A remedy that has no side effects in the fight against acne, essential cedar oil is also recommended in aromatherapy because of its refreshing, warm and sweet smell, with spicy and woody notes that remind of nature and supports that particular state of tranquility. A true ”beauty elixir”, cedarwood oil is a well-known skin repairer, giving skin its natural, suppleness and natural firmness. Also in personal care and hygiene, where it can be used as a 100% natural deodorant, its fresh-woody smell can be combined with any type of fragrance.

A warm bath with cedar infusion has the gift of improving spasms and helping to remove the effects of asthma or respiratory problems due to its calming and soothing properties. It also helps to reduce blood pressure, combat fungal infections or regulate menstruation, surrounding the person with an aura of wellbeing. 

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